is a Master degree study programme focused on education and training of nowadays and/or future specialists in the field of aeronautical and space systems and technologies. Although the programme is taught at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, it can be considered as a whole-university program, because of a strong link with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering where several compulsory courses are given. Even if the program puts the emphasis on aerospace fields, the education is supported by a broad knowledge of electronics, embedded systems and their design, programming and usage. Moreover, the program curriculum is extended by soft skills’ training. The program content is in accordance with prestigious European aerospace universities and thus provides good competitive basis for graduates’ future employment in variety of private and state companies and institutions.
The study is hands-on focused. Students can thus develop their practical knowledge via practical oriented courses and individual projects. A full 4th semester of the study is dedicated to a diploma thesis which can also be solved in cooperation with industry and abroad. The CTU and program itself have strong links with European aerospace universities via PEGASUS Network which supports student exchange program and getting experience from other country.
The program introduces current state-of-the-art in the field of aerospace but expects graduates to be fluent also in the future technologies and systems.
Even the program is young, it is going to be open for its first time in September 2017, the tradition of aeronautics at the Czech Technical University in Prague has an origin in 70’s of the 20th century.
The unique structured curriculum provides students to obtain deep knowledge about current technology, methodology and approaches applied in the field of aerospace, but not limited just for it. The knowledge primarily focuses on aircraft and spacecraft engineering, avionics, integrated systems with their subparts in terms of sensors, data processing, buses, communication, and integration, radio systems, flight control, inertial-GNSS-decision based navigation, trajectory planning. This knowledge is further extended by aerodynamics, flight mechanics, propulsion and construction to give the overall and complete information about current state-of-art in the entire field of aerospace engineering. This is secondary supported by soft skills in terms of academic writing and presentation skills.
Graduates will be able to address scientific problems and solve them as well. Their competitiveness in labor marker will be high because of deep background, creative thoughts, ability to work in challenging environment and high demands.

Detailed information about the study plan can be found on CTU-FEE English web page or Czech web page. That information includes all details about the courses and
Programme compulsory courses | Aircraft Avionics - CZ, EN Aeronautical Radio Systems - CZ, EN Aircraft Propulsion - CZ, EN Aircraft Structures and Materials - CZ, EN Team Project - CZ, EN Project Management and Marketing - CZ, EN Diploma Thesis |
Study field compulsory courses | Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics - CZ, EN Space Engineering - CZ, EN Integrated Modular Avionics - CZ, EN Flight Control Systems - CZ, EN Unmanned Vehicles - CZ, EN Presentation Skills - EN - course taught in English for all students Academic Writing - EN - course taught in English for all students |
Compulsory elective courses | Experimental Methods in Aeronautics - CZ, EN Estimation, Filtering and Detection - CZ, EN Videometry and Contactless Measurement - CZ, EN Autonomous Robotics - CZ, EN |
Elective courses | 5x eligible course for at least 20 credits based on a student's choice - in general cources of other study programmes |